In addition to being divisable into the four worlds the Tree of Life can also be divided into three vertical pillars.
All of the spheres belong to one of these three pillars and share particular characteristics with the other pillars which
belong to that Pillar. The three pillars are called: The Pillar of Severity, The Pillar of Mercy and The Pillar of Balance.
The Pillar of Mercy
Is found on the right hand side of diagrams of the Tree of Life, and is associated with the left hand side of the body
and right-brain functions. It is composed of the following spheres
The top sphere - Chokmah - is the sphere of Yang, the highest sphere of the masculine, whereas the lower spheres are
generally considered to have feminine characteristics. This is Yang at the centre of Yin, as shown in the famous Taoist symbol.
The Pillar of Severity
The Pillar of severity lies on the left hand side of the Tree of life as you look at it as a diagram drawn on a piece
of paper, but on the right hand side of the body. It is associated with 'left brain' functions. It is composed of the following
Binah, the Great Sea, is the sphere of Yin, the highest aspects of the feminine principles, whereas the lower spheres,
representing war and science, are generally considered to be masculine. This is the Yin at the centre of Yang
The Pillar of Balance
This is the 'middle pillar' which runs up the centre of the Tree. It is associated with balance, holism and integration.
It is composed of the following spheres: