Alternative / English Names
Astrological Correspondence
Intelligence (Sepher Yetzirah)
Cohesive Intelligence / Settled Consciousness
Egyptian Pantheon (Singular Correspondence)
Egyptian Pantheon (others)
Buddhist Object of Meditation
Friendliness (also Mindfulness)
(Inclusive of sephira 4-6) Anahata
(Inclusive of Sephira 4-9) Intellect
(Inclusive of Sephira 4-6) Lower Manas
(Inclusive of Sephira 4-8) Aib
Tzedeq (TzDQ) The Righteous
The 7 Heavens of Yetzirah
Makon (MKVN) An established place; a city
The 7 Hells
Abaddon (ABDVN) Destruction
The 7 Palaces in Briah
Hekel Ahabah (HKL AHBH) The Palace of Love
Tzadqiel (TzDQYAL) Righteousness of God
Choras of Angels
Chashmalim (ChShMLYM) The Shining Ones
Alchemical Correspondence
Tin (Also Pewter + Zinc)
Magical Attainment (western Tradition)
The Vision of Love
Magical Weapons and Symbols
Crook, Sceptre, Wand
Magical Image
A Mighty King, Crowned and Enthroned
Precious Stone
Amethyst, Labradorite, Bluejohn
Botanical Correspondences
Olive, Shamrock, Pine Resin, Nutmeg, Tulip, Birch Tree
Animals (real and mythological)
Dolphin, Unicorn
Cedar Oil
Vegetable Drug
Physical Ailment
Dropsy, lethargy