Qabalah Book reviews
Power of Qabalah - Yehuda Berg
If you are looking for an inspirational book that is easy to read but at the
same time powerful and profound in its message then this book is for you. It is certainly not comprehensive nor does
it give detailed accounts of Qabalistic principles, but in expressing the transformative power of Qabalah in simple and accessible
language it is unsurpassed. A thoroughly enjoyable and enlightening read.
777 And Other Qabbalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley
you were to ask me to pick one book which has inspired me most, which I have turned back to most often, and which I would
not want to be without then I would pick this one. Along with detailed tables of correspondences with ample explanatory notes,
and an excellent introduction and referrence tools for Gematria and other such systems, there are a number of short but fascinating
essays. `What is a `number' or a `symbol'?' stands out as one of the most enlightening text I have ever read, despite being
just a few pages long.
Sepher Yetzirah (translation by R.A Gilbert and A.E. Waite)
The Sepher Yetzirah, Book of Formation, is in my opinion the most interesting and useful of the early Jewish Qabalistic
text. It is certainly the most often quoted by modern authors. In many ways it can be thought of as a Qabalistic book of gensis,
describing as it does the manner of the creation of the world in Qabalistic terms. According to Jewish Folklore the Sepher
Yetzirah can be used for the creation of a Golem. Also according to legend this book was written by the patriarch Abraham
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Sepher Yetzirah |
The Qabalah, Papus
This book is notable for its comprehensive overview of Qabalah
and Qabalistic concepts. It is a scholarly work which looks at a wide range of topics. Although I would advise the reader
not to assume that ervything said in this book is 100% correct and accurate I would nevertheless reccommend it as an introductory
text to Qabalaistic studies.
The Tree of Life - Israel Regardie
This is one of the finest works that I have ever read, although
the title may be slighlty misleading. Despite being called the 'Tree of Life' this is not, striclty speaking, a book about
Qabalah. Rather, its subject is esoteric philosophy in general, and especially ritual practices and Magick. Regardie is a
famous student of the infamous Crowley and one time member of the Golden Dawn society, and this is his best work.
The Bahir Illumination (Translation by Aryeh Kaplan)
One of the oldest and most respected of Qabalisitc texts the sepher
Bahir, or book of Splendour, is particularly useful in ascertaining the Qabalistic meanings within the Old Testament. A must
read for serious students of Qabalah.
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The Bahir |
The Book of Thoth - Aleister Crowley
The Tarot trumps are the 22 keys to the 22 shining paths of human
experience. There are many books on the market about Tarot, and indeed many different Tarot packs, but from a Qabalistic perspective
the Thoth Tarot are definitely the best.
Thoth Tarot Deck
(As Above)
The Zohar
Probably the oldest of the Qabalistic texts, this book is
often considered to be the foundation text of all Qabalistic studies. Its wisdom is also, perhaps, more accessible and universally
relevant than that of the Sepher Yetzirah and Bahir.
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