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Introduction to Ritual

A guide to the use of ritual in magick and mysticism, including the purpose of ritual, the nature of ritual and how it it utilised, and the basic components of ritual in the western tradition

Some kind of ritual is present in just about any religous or spiritual tradition, but it is especially important for any kind of magickal tradition, such as the Qabalistic Path of the Sword. Even in religious traditions, such as most christian chruches, which ostensibly claim to have no magickal element, or that magickal practices are satanic, the use of ritual is still used to invoke a spiritual force / power and direct it to a certain set of circumstances with a particular aim in mind - such as cementing the bond between people in a wedding ceremony, to eleviate grief and aid the passage of a disincarnated soul in a funeral ceremony, or whatever the case may be. This is esesntially what magick is - to invoke spiritual power and direct it to acheive a particular goal. The only difference between these uses of ritual and those in an explicitly magickal tradition is that 1) The power of ritual is not the exclusive preserve of an officially sanctioned priest, but is available to anyone and 2) The elements of ritual are more varied and specialised alowing for their use towards a greater number of objectives.

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The most important thing to recognise before one begins to apply this art is that the physical gestures and props that form the basis of ritual are, in themselves, devoid of power. They are merely empty shells, or rather cups, that may be filled with the magickal force, but may also be empty and unable to quench a thirst. It is not the case that by speaking certain words and making certain gestures one is able to direct the undercurrents which shape physical manifestation, but rather that through these things one may be able to excite and direct the power of consciousness itself, that it is able to perform this task.
It is also important to make the distinction betweent the mental state approapriate to the performance of magickal ritual and that which is used in meditation. These two arts move in opposite directions away from ordinary consciousness. Whereas in meditation one seeks to calm the mind, and to silence those aspects of the mind which obscure, in the art of the sword on seeks to excite the mind, to draw it upwards into ever more intense experience, seeking through the art of ritual to make the human mind resonate with the higher and faster frequencies of the divine. The purpose of all elements of ritual is only to excite and empower the mind in this manner, and to increase and aid the concentration so that the practitioner is able to control and direct this force.
In the western tradition the main elements of ritual are: 1) Banishining 2) The Qabalistic Cross 3) Invocation of the Highest 4) statement of intent 5)Invocation of specific godform, elemental force, angel, or whatever 6) The main working designed to fulfill specific purpose (such as concecration of a talisman 7) Statement of end of ritual and release of powers invoked 8) Banishing

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