Daath is the sphere without a number. It also, in truth, does not have a position in the Tree of Life. It is usually
protrayed as residing in the centre-line of the Tree at the level of the abyss between the supernal spheres of Kether, Chokmah and Binah and the rest of the Tree below. This is because Daath provides a connection between the Atziluthic realm of the supernals
and the lower levels of the Tree. In fact, as it is not specific to any particular position on the Tree Daath, unlike all
the other spheres, exists in all four of the Qabalistic worlds. Because of its role as a connecting principle Daath is sometimes
known by the esoteric title of 'The Rainbow Bridge'.
The nature of Daath is knowledge; and in this is contained the whole of the reality in which we live; for we do not know
a sun, only an eye which sees a sun, and we do not know an earth, only a hand which touches the earth. The idea that a material
universe exists, independently of our percpetions of it, is wholly unbecoming of a science which claims its foundations to
be the theory of radical doubt. No evidence for such a thing exists, and nor could it ever exist. everything which we know
to exist, everything for which we have even the slightest scrap of evidence for the exitsence of, exists as knowledge.
Daath is also attributed the power of leading one to the reverse of the Tree of Life, and the evils of the Qlippoth.