Tzadqiel, the archangel of Chesed, is known as The Righteousness of God. The first leter, Tzaddi the fish hook, shows
that it is the naturof Tzadqiel to catch and draw up into consciousness something external to herself. The second letter,
daleth, is a door; she has made herself a conduit through which some poweer may flow. The third leter is Qoph, the back of
the head; it represents the transpersonal forms of the archetypes or ideals. This shows the direc manifestation or expression
of transpersonal will. The individual is transparent, with n personal or selfish will. Love for the sake of love, justice
for the sake of justice, and so on for all the archetypes - this is what it means to be righteous.
The final 3 letters are common to many of the archangels, and also the loweer angels of Yetzirah. They are Yod, the hand,
which shows the action of the prinicples outlined above to direct the course of events, or create a new impetus. Aleph, t
he ox, shows the cultivation of the earth, and indicates that Tzadqiel is active in the development of the world, and
the ox-goad or lash of lamed, the final letter, shows that the archangel is a marshalling and guiding force over this development.