Tzaphqiel is known as the Watchtower of God.
Having the first letter tzaddi, the fish hook, shows that this archangel has her origins in the raising up of some idea
or thing external to herself. Being followed by peh, the mouth, suggests the formulation and expression of a concept or idea.
The 3rd letter qoph, representing the back of the ehead, is associated with the subconscious mind and with the archetypes,
and with Plato's 'Ideas', which are the perfect forms which provide the templates for all material forms. Yod, the hand,
hows creative and orchestrating power. Aleph, the ox, shows cultivations and the development of things over time, whilst the
final letter lamed is a whip, or ox-goad, and reveals the rules which govern the pervious aleph.
The formulation and expression of the ideals of the divine archetypes creates and controls the manifestation and
the development of the changing forms of the material world. This is the poweer of the understanding which, like the name
of the watchtoweer, may seem pasive, but which actually creates the fundamental patters which regulate the manifestation of
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