The name Ratziel is translated as the Will of God, as is appropriate for the sphere of Chokmah, for which he is the ruling power below God.
The first letter of Resh, meaning the head and being the solar letter and representative of fire, shows the centre of
consciousness, expansive and outward looking. The second letter, Tzaddi - the fish hook - indicates a drawing up and raising
of something into consciousness. The third letter, Yod, means hand, and is indicative of creative, controling and directive
power. Here we see consciousnes focussed on its own power, seeing and realizing the consequences of its actions. The third
letter, aleph, is translated as ox, and the main assoiation is of ploughing and cultivating fields. This is the all embracing
realization that the world in which we live is the sum of our actions over time, that we have the power to work towards a
specific end, and , indeed, that a specific outcome is inherent in our choice of action. The final letter Lamed, the ox-goad,
represents the responsibility engeandered by what has come before. It shows the severity of judgment upon the self when the
consequences of one's actions are held firmly in mind. One comes to the wil of God not through obediance or blind belief,
but through being painfully aware of the consequences of willing otherwise.
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