The name of Metatron is translateed as 'Visiting the Throne', but he is also known as the scribe of God.
The first leter, mem, is water, showing that his nature begins from a state of pure passivity and reflection. he is nothing
other than that which he perceives. His name is writ in water. The two teth letters which follow show us the higher purpose
of gnosis, and the ever curious and questioning serpent who they represent. He is the ultimate goal of knowledge. Resh, the
head, is a fiery solar letter, and the seat of intellectual consciousness in humanity. This is the eternal hunger for and
expansion of knowledge. Everything is trasmuted to this singluar purpose. This flows into vau, the nail, where the volatility
implied by the resh is fixed in place. Stillness is emphasised - all that he perceives does not affect him - he is immutable
and eternal. The final nun is a fish, which lives in water, returning us to the beginning. he exists only within his own nature,
which is both singular and circular.
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